One Breath Away

A mindful life with kindness and perspective

The short answer

Are you scared or ashamed of failure? Or will you learn to stand true to your colours and keep going no matter what? It’s you who makes that decision.


How do you feel after finding balance in life? How was it to hear about the game of being thrown off and coming back up again? Seeing it as an ongoing game helps tremendously. It takes the pressure off and also invites our innate ability to be playful and silly into the equation.

But what about (the fear of) failure?

It might still be present. But what stops us from embracing it? Why do we focus on the risks and not on the possible positive outcomes?

Failure is a huge topic, and this is the last chapter on our first mindfulness journey. That’s why we deliberately narrow it down for what we need to talk about right now.

So let’s keep it short and sweet

Because I hope to provide more impact and punch compared to writing another lengthy reflection on it. Let me ask you a few questions.

Can you really fail when you get to know yourself?

I don’t think so. You’re slowly unfolding anyway and seeing what is truly deep inside, what drives you and what you actually want to do with this one precious life. There’s no failure or detour on that way!

How can you handle the fear of failure, the understandable wish to avoid pain and setbacks?

By acknowledging that it’s all here and you can feel it. Hold it. Endure it. Share it. And let it go.

As soon as we nurture this view, we realise that it’s the way to learn and grow. And I am sure that this is the reason why you came on this journey with me in the first place. Because you feel the same.

Why is failure so valuable?

Failure is good. Sure, not in the moment when it can feel terrible. In the long run though? With all the experience and insights gained? Priceless.

What happens when you let go of the focus on failure?

Imagine you initiate growth and “failure” on your own terms and at your own pace. Even if it’s just by starting to look at it more carefully.

What would be possible?