The end of this mindful journey
Is there ever truly an end? Or do we rather just start another one? For now, it’s time to wrap it up!
A mindful life with kindness and perspective
Is there ever truly an end? Or do we rather just start another one? For now, it’s time to wrap it up!
Are you scared or ashamed of failure? Or will you learn to stand true to your colours and keep going no matter what? It’s you who makes that decision.
How can we do that? In today’s chapter, we will zoom out a little from individual moments and experiences and try to take a bird’s eye view of all these things.
It’s not always time to produce, to create, or to follow a made up schedule of doing things a certain way. We don’t need to be tired in order to rest.
Have you practised with the guided meditations from the last chapter? Here are a few follow-up questions and ideas that you can ask yourself!
Do you know about obvious indicators of stress and discomfort? We are often not aware of these signals, and there are many possible reasons for this.
Believing in yourself and surfing positive waves is one thing. Finding stability in the midst of miserable circumstances and heaviness is another. The latter happened while I was writing this multi-part series.
We have everything we need within us and that there is no reason to run away. And there are many reasons to be happy with what we have. And yes, that also applies to you!
Let’s not heave ourselves somewhere where we don’t yet feel all too comfy anyway. Today we’re reflecting on that.
It’s not about how fast it works but how sustainable. Are you here for a quick fix? Then this is the wrong place for you.